Monday, April 13, 2009

Incorrect opening times for April 15

The information in the following articles in the appear to be misprinted. However, since it appears twice, it is misinformation.

To the best of the knowledge of the Site Coordinator in charge of the site and responsibile for helping out taxpayers, the plan is to open from 5pm - 8:30 pm. If you come in expecting to be helped at 3:00 pm, you may have a long wait in front of you.

In the event we are overwhelmed by the demand, in addition to the priority of extensions, simple returns, questions and forms, priority will be given to taxpayers with a Milpitas address.

San Jose IRS to provide curb side service for last-minute filers
Mercury News staff

Posted: 04/12/2009 08:30:56 PM PDT
Updated: 04/12/2009 09:01:55 PM PDT

The IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center in San Jose will provide special "curbside" forms service for last-minute filers during the remaining days of the tax-filing season. The extra service will help people traveling by car get basic tax forms faster, without paying for parking or waiting in line.

The office is located at 55 South Market St. IRS employees will hand out basic tax forms, including extension requests, to drive-up customers at the loading zone at the back of the building. The loading zone is accessed from San Pedro Street; the nearest cross street is Post Street.

The service will be available on the following days and times:

Today from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Tuesday from 11 to 4 p.m.

Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Free tax help also is available at the following IRS community-based partner sites:

Milpitas Public Library, 160 N. Main St. Milpitas. Open Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Lundy Post Office, 1750 Lundy Ave., San Jose. Open for "Midnight Madness" on Wednesday from 6 p.m. to midnight.

Original link at:


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Breaking News
There's still time to get free tax help in your community
Posted:04/10/2009 6:26 PM
By the Mercury News

If you made $42,000 or less last year, there is still time to get free help filing your federal income tax return. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly sites in your community can prepare and file your return electronically. You can receive your refund in as few as 10 days using e-file and direct deposit.

Community organizations sponsor tax preparation sites where people can receive free tax assistance as part of the VITA and TCE programs. Many sites will be open this weekend and through the April 15 income tax filing deadline. Trained volunteers help ensure people get the tax credits and deductions they are eligible to claim.

Lost jobs or reduced income mean that many people may be eligible for certain tax credits for the first time. For example, the refundable Earned Income Tax Credit is for people who work but who do not earn a lot of money. The EITC adds an extra $2,000 benefit on average. The additional child tax credit and the first-time homebuyer credit are important benefits also affected by a taxpayer's income.

The following IRS community—based partner sites are ready to help people file their tax returns.

Milpitas Public Library, 160 N. Main St., Milpitas. Open Saturday,from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Wednesday, April 15, from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Lundy Post Office, 1750 Lundy Ave, San Jose. Open for "Midnight Madness" on Wednesday April 15, from 6 p.m. to midnight.

Original Link:;jsessionid=96CF254CCFF47FBC3425C26B6844334B?contentguid=LHGW9klb&storycount=14&detailindex=0&full=true

1 comment:

  1. Aha! The mystery is solved. The information source was none other than a most trustworthy source - an IRS News Release, a copy of which is at
