Monday, March 9, 2009

2009 Economic Recovery Payment

A one-time Economic Recovery Payment of will be made in 2009. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FILE A TAX RETURN TO GET YOUR ECONOMIC RECOVERY PAYMENT. Ñ Ifyouarearetiree,disabledindividualora SupplementalSecurityIncome(SSI)recipient,youwill receiveyourEconomicRecoveryPaymentdirectlyfrom theSocialSecurityAdministration. Ñ Ifyoureceivedisabledveteransbenefits,youwill receiveyourEconomicRecoveryPaymentfromthe DepartmentofVeteransAffairs. Ñ IfyoureceiveRailroadRetirementbenefits,youwill receiveyourEconomicRecoveryPaymentfromthe RailroadRetirementBoard. $250 Contacttheagencythatpaysyour benefitformoreinformation. IRS Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Publication 4751 (3-2009) Catalog Number 52943A

Opening session February 7, 2009

City of Milpitas Vice-Mayor Pete "Primo" McHugh was the guest of honor and was kind enough to declare the filing session open at VITA at MILPITAS PUBLIC LIBRARY on the morning of Saturday February 7, 2009. Vice-Mayor McHugh expressed his appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the volunteers who were there to help people prepare and e-file their tax returns.